SAFETY FIRST We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe at Fuller Hill. Learn More
(734) 528-9123 |
Mon-Fri: 6:30am-6:00pm
About Our Staff
At Fuller Hill Child Care Center we have experienced well-trained lead teachers as well as experienced substitutes. Well trained, educated teachers are the foundation of a high quality childcare program. Our lead teachers generally have a 2 to 4 year degree in early childhood education (or related field) and extensive training and experience working with young children. All staff members receive additional on-going training annually for a total of 16 hours (including safe sleep and shaken baby training.) All lead teachers are certified in First Aid and CPR.
Fuller Hill does not discriminate in its hiring practices based on age, race, gender, religion or national origin. All staff members are required to pass a DHS Central Registry Clearance, ICHAT, fingerprinting, criminal history screening, staff screening, prior conviction screening before hire. All of our teachers continue to improve their professional development through participation in local conferences and workshops, attending regularly scheduled teacher meeting and staff training sessions equal to 16 clock hours annually.
To optimize teacher/child interactions, staff/child ratios are as follows:
Infant 1:4 Toddler 1:4 Young Pre-school 1:8 Preschool 1:10