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Covid-19 Preparedness & Response Plan

As a safety protocol, Fuller Hill has implemented the following plan: *How we will monitor symptoms of COVID-19 

Daily temperature checks for children and staff as well as a visual screening for both children and staff will be conducted. A screening with the following questions will be asked daily at drop off: Has anyone in your household been diagnosed with covid-19, and do you/does your child have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, or any flu-like symptoms? If the child or staff member presents with any of these symptoms, they will be excluded from entering the building. Fever is the key indicator for young children. If your child’s temp is above 100.4, the child will be excluded from care until a doctor’s note is presented, and your child is symptom and fever free for 48 hours. 


How will our program practice social distancing?

We will minimize preschool & young preschool classroom centers to 3 children per center area (housekeeping, reading, block are etc). During meal-times children will have staggered seating. During nap-rest time, cots are placed 3 feet apart, cots disinfected weekly, and bedding laundered weekly. 


How we will ensure hygiene?

All frequently used children’s equipment will be disinfected throughout the day with a bleach-water solution or Lysol disinfectant when available. Tables, door handles, toilet handles, sinks handles, light switches etc. will be disinfected multiple times throughout the day. During meal-time, only one time use disposable products will be used. Staff and children will wash their hands immediately upon entering the facility, before and after meals, bathroom breaks, wiping noses and outdoor play. Hand sanitizer is accessible to staff in each room so they may use it for the children between hand washing breaks, but not as a substitute to hand washing. 


How we will use PPE and safety equipment? 

PPE face masks will be provided daily to all staff to use when interacting with parents during drop-off and pick-up. Wearing a face mask throughout the day is ONLY required for staff members who are not vaccinated. Gloves are provided daily for all staff to be used in accordance with state licensing rules.


**Please see attached summary of governor’s executive order regarding children and caregivers in child care settings and face coverings** 


Communication protocols to report symptoms or positive test & when children will be excluded from care? 

Families and staff are expected to report symptoms or positive test results of COVID-19 immediately to the center director via phone call or email. This will cause for immediate exclusion of the staff member/child from the center until a parent can present a doctor’s note, negative test results and fever free for 72 hours if applicable. 


Isolation procedures in case of symptoms or confirmed cases:

If there is a staff member presenting symptoms, they will be sent for testing immediately. Staff members will not be able to return to work until they have provided a negative test result, and have been symptom free for 48 hours. In the event that a child presents with symptoms, they will be immediately removed from their class, and isolated with a staff member in the front office until a parent arrives. Staff must have appropriate PPE while they are waiting with the child for a parent to arrive. All families will be notified if there is a confirmed case. The entire classroom will be closed for 10 days while additional disinfecting measures are done by a third party sanitization crew. Mandatory COVID testing will be implemented for any staff member who had direct contact with any individual in that class. 


Guidelines for returning to care or work: 

Staff members and children should stay home and self isolate if they show symptoms of COVID-19. If a staff member or child has a fever or cough, we will follow our illness policy for the center. At this time, with the new pandemic it is recommended that children be fever-free for 72 hours (even if other symptoms are not present) If a staff member or child exhibits multiple symptoms of COVID 19, suspects or have been notified of possible exposure, or an individual test positive for COVID 19, this individual must stay home until: 

  1. They have been fever-free for 72 hours without the use of medications AND 

  2. Other symptoms have improved AND

  3. At least 10 days have passed since your first symptom has appeared


***Parents are encouraged to have back-up child care plans if the child or family member becomes ill or is required to self quarantine due to possible COVID-19

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